Healthcare Transformation
The 60sticks team are passionate about supporting better service delivery and have significant experience across the healthcare sector supporting providers and commissioners to change their services for the better.
We have undertaken multiple and varied service redesign and transformation projects using our combined clinical, workforce and business expertise. Each project benefits from our personalised and agile approach to produce a bespoke response to your current challenges, underwritten by sound project management skills.
First and foremost, we take the pain out of transformation, providing additional capacity, understanding, support, motivation, expertise, and direction to achieve delivery goals, working closely with you and your team and winning hearts and minds of even the most reluctant contributor. We recognise teams can feel burnt out, and lost in the barrage of daily demands on their capacity and can support and mentor them to engage and contribute meaningfully.
Our input aims to achieve a sustainable efficient and effective method of service delivery. We understand the tough financial climate, the need for continuous improvement, current workforce challenges and the integration agenda. We have experience of redesigning very technical, complex, and clinically specialist areas- nothing phases us!
Redesign projects are best achieved outside the timetables and pressure of procurement processes enabling the time to understand the unique challenges and individual project complexities and to consider, co-design and develop how transformation to an improved position can take place. There is always something that can improve but it is often difficult to see this when in the midst of operational delivery. Our ability to deliver constructive challenge in a non-confrontational way can support the path to redesign and improved outcomes for patients and staff.
Our approach to your project will be developed with your specific needs in mind but usually incorporate:
Establishing and building trust and confidence in us
Understanding and defining your project aims
Understanding the context e.g. through benchmarking and national guidance.
Analysis of any available data
Meaningful staff engagement
Developing a plan which challenges the status quo
Supporting implementation
Measuring the effect of changes