What We Do
60sticks is an innovative healthcare consultancy providing bespoke support and capacity to clients from a wide range of backgrounds for all sorts of challenges including service transformation, competitive procurement processes, funding applications, facilities and supply chain management, programme and project leadership and support.
The 60sticks team are passionate about supporting better service delivery and have significant experience across the healthcare sector supporting providers and commissioners to change their services for the better.
Our input aims to achieve a sustainable efficient and effective method of service delivery. We understand the tough financial climate, the need for continuous improvement, current workforce challenges and the integration agenda. We have experience of redesigning very technical, complex, and clinically specialist areas- nothing phases us!
60Sticks boasts an excellent track record of delivering small to multi-million pound projects for our clients, many with whom we have longstanding relationships. Each project benefits from our personalised and agile approach to produce a bespoke response to your current challenges, underwritten by sound project management skills.
Recognition of our cost effective and expert service delivery is demonstrated by our client testimonials, competitive procurement success rates and our selection as the highest scoring provider for both quality and price appointed to the NHS SBS Consult 18 Multidisciplinary Management Consultancy Services Framework. This appointment offers clients a compliant route to engaging our services for large projects in the following Lots:
Lot 2: Healthcare Service, Development & Transformation & Lot 4: Health & Community